Monday, May 28, 2012

Puppy Photo Link Up


First through Jenna, I found this adorable little link up, and since I happen to have some fairly recent cute photos of my baby, (and I don't talk about her nearly enough since she's currently staying at my mom's house till I can get a place that has pets), I figured I'd join in!

Thanks to Becky for hosting!

This is Rosie.
She's my chihuahua. She's nearly 9 years old now.
I've had her since she was a wee pup and I could hold her in the palm of my hand.

She is my darling baby. I wanted a dog that was just mine. Loved me best.
She gave me everything I wanted.
{though nowadays I think she loves my husband best}
I miss her, and hope she can live with me again soon.
Also, she always melts everyone's heart,
every single person I've ever had tell me 'oh I don't like chihuahuas they're ugly and loud'
has made an exception for Rosie and leave saying how much they love her!


  1. Rosie ... I'm so glad you found us. Even though you're staying at grandmas house...for now... doesn't mean that we can't enjoy your pictures too. I'm little too and I love chihuahuas...especially girls. Do you have a boyfriend? Us little guys gotta stick together. Anyway thanks so much for joining the Party. We have one the last Monday of every month. We're still new...but it doesn't matter...we just enjoy sharing our love. Blake

  2. By the way Rosie...I'm only 4...but I like older women....haha

  3. What kind of dog is Rosie? She looks like she is a sweetie.

  4. Love the second pic! Stopping by from the link up at Reinventing the Ordinary!

  5. Stopping by from the Link up! I'm loving seeing everyone's pets!

  6. What a cutie! I'm stopping by Reinventing the Ordinary and I just became a new follower to your shop.
